Hunger Games Simulator Funny Naruto Uzumaki

As this is a Moment page, there will be unmarked spoilers for each tribute's respective source materials.


  • The fact that one of the custom events involves a group of tributes getting into an epic rap war; it's especially funny if characters incapable of human speech get involved.
  • In general, whenever a stoic or serious character gets involved in an otherwise non-serious event. The mental image of them can make anyone snicker.

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     Original Generation

  • How did the Alien Radiator Salesman win Season 5? He had no luck selling his radiators (the tributes just keep running away from him) for so long that he went postal and killed two in the final two days.
  • The all-powerful Super Vegito dying at the hands of a Grunt in the opening moments of Season 14. He reappeared in the next season... and was killed off just as quickly, this time at the paws of Judy Hopps. He returns yet again in Season 173... only to get killed during the bloodbath by search engine Bing.
    • In Season 94 he returns again, now even more powerful as a Super Saiyan Blue, and while he lasts quite a while, he gets browbeaten into committing murder against his will by Pinkie Pie of all people, then tries to kill her in revenge only to fail miserably and die. Meanwhile, his nemesis Zamasu goes on to win the season unhindered.
  • Seasons 28 and 29 saw two Wikipedia-based characters take third place. In a row. What were the odds of that happening?
  • In Season 57, a hurricane rocked the arena. SpongeBob's House and Scrooge McDuck both got killed by being crushed under a cow carried in the wind.
    • One could only wonder how big the cow that crushed Poland was.
  • In Season 64, Maximillion Pegasus challenges Professor Layton to a Yu-Gi-Oh! duel. Layton somehow loses an eye in it.
    • On a meta level, Anomalocaris 20 was wondering what joke he should make about the event. To quote the host:

    "...There is so much I could do here. Do I make a joke about Pegasus's Millenium Eye? (sic) A joke about the fact that they d-d-d-d-d-dueled with their eyes on the line? Either way, now both Pegasus and Layton are one-eyed."

  • In Season 66, Gutsman's Ass, of all tributes, ascended to a higher plane of existence.
  • In Season 76, the number of Michaels and Johns on the field (eight and four, respectively), as well as there being TWO Soras!
    • In Season 84, again, breaking the One Steve Limit, is the number of Matts on the field — four.
  • In Season 86, Bidoof, of all people, takes down Monsoon and fellow Pokémon Luvdisc after overhearing the two making jokes about him.
    • Also, Hidden Phantom questions his sanity, which, given the circumstances note the forces of gravity and electromagnetism, the elements of hydrogen and oxygen, and the planet Earth were all nominated as tributes, for one, is hardly surprising.
    • Meta example: When the Planet Earth was nominated for that season, Awesomewade predicted that it would win, then later on Psychedelicate commented on how funny it would be if it did win. It did.
  • In Season 90, the romance between Groundskeeper Willie and Dark Matter.
    • Also, out of all the gods, physchopaths, and monsters, who ends up with the most kills? Dan Hibiki, of all people. *** Dan then went on to win the next Battle Royale (Season 99), and tie for the most kills.
    • The Glorious Gecko Cult.
  • This hilariously-BS incident from a non-canon dry run of Season 90.
    • In a similar vein to the above, this instance of Death by Irony in a non-canon dry run of Season 96.
  • Season 92, in addition to being one of the biggest aversions of the One Steve Limit, gives us Ron Burgundy somehow turning out to be an Eldritch Abomination, as revealed when he transformed into his true form before falling to Steven Stone, Guile, and drunk!Zer0 in an epic battle.
  • In Season 108, Walter Sobchak spiked Aurene's drink with a love potion. Who did she fall in love with? Guts Man's Ass.
    • Also, Byakuya Togami made a claim on the very first night that he would be the game's final boss. He was right.
  • In Season 117, Bounsweet died of heat exhaustion. In Troper No. 9001's words, "Roast mangosteen, anyone?"
  • In a non-canon run of Season 124, Lord English, an all-powerful demon... meets his end by getting cut in half by a goldfish.
  • Season 141 has the assault on the Grand Highblood's hair, in which said hair is yanked on the first night and then cut on the very next day.
    • From the same season: the fact that a cupcake got the most kills. And one of its victims is a closet Sweet Tooth to boot.
  • In a manner reminiscent of the Super Vegito entry above, the all-powerful dark lord Sauron winds up being offed by Lampy, a sentient desk lamp, of all tributes in Season 148's Bloodbath.
  • Since Greg Heffley was among the tributes in Season 157, Troper No. 9001 (who nominated him) wrote down an in-character diary entry detailing his thoughts on whatever event he had partaken in on that day/night. Even when he met his untimely demise at the hands of Dr. Flug (who had been forced by Jango Fett to choose between killing either Greg or the SCP Foundation), she gave him one more entry, making the whole diary come off as a darkly humorous Apocalyptic Log.
  • During Season 168, Morgana reveals himself to be Pikachu's reincarnation. They're on the same team and share the same Japanese voice actor, Ikue Otani. This later becomes Hilarious in Hindsight due to his teammate Joker's addition to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate almost a year afterwards, and in the game itself, Morgana's spirit battle is represented by a Pikachu Libre.
  • Season 171 had an interesting moment. Jerry, who was seen as the most bloodthirsty tribute at the time and pegged as the Big Bad, was given a message from Christian Grey, who had only managed to kill one tribute by accident and not been terribly bright, to deliver to Blizz. Jerry secretly read it on the way, and promptly tore it up. Whatever Christian wrote must have been utterly disgusting, even for Jerry.
    • Also, at one point, Christian got a copy of Sburb from an unknown sponsor, and made a prototype of Bella Swan. This is hilarious because Fifty Shades of Grey started life as a Twilight fanfic, and thus, Christian and Anastasia Steele are expies of Edward Cullen and Bella respectively.
  • In Season 174, Molly, a duck, munches on a bucket of popcorn chicken.
    • In the same season, Sarge only managed to kill one tribute, which is hilarious given his general attitude toward war and violence in general. Despite this, when it came down to the final four, he won, as all the other tributes died, while he just sang a Linkin Park song (specifically, "One More Light") at Evil Cynder's funeral. In other words, Sarge won by doing absolutely nothing!
      • Made even more hilarious by the fact that both of Linkin Park's lead vocalists (Chester Bennington and Mike Shinoda) are among the last four (albeit, by that point, in a vegetative state from drinking too much Brain Bleach). And out of the four, the two were the first to die. They were kidnapped by aliens.
    • Also in Season 174, the other tributes kept letting the entire Red Squadron compete in competitions despite their outrageous advantage in numbers over them. They understandably won every single time. This happened four times. They won a game of laser tag, a cooking duel, a paintball war, and a pun-off.
  • In one of the unused saves for Season 175 has Sissel, in his cat form, kill THE OMNIVERSE by throwing a knife into it. It was the first death of the save.
    • Shortly after in the same save, Master Xehanort (a very powerful Keyblade Master) shoots an arrow and completely misses his target, Bluebeard (a cat). The same arrow manages to hit all 6 Matsuno brothers at once instead. Accidental Aiming Skills much?
  • In the canon Season 175, Destroyah takes ballet lessons from Zenos Yae Galvus. Yes, you heard that right. After that, he then shows his newly learned dance moves to CaRtOoNz.
  • In Season 177, Donkey Kong dies by slipping on a banana peel.
    • Also, Alucard dies by having all his bodily fluids drained by a leech. In other words, his blood was all sucked out of him.
    • In Season 182, the microwave dies in a similarly ironic fashion when Tak Fujii feeds it a deadly apple pie. In the same Season, Egon Spengler, a Ghostbuster, dies of heart failure when the ghost of a fallen tribute spooks him.
  • In one of the non-canon gag runs of Season 181, Butterfly Snoop tokes up on a joint on DAY ONE.
  • In Season 182, SCP-049 contracts the bubonic plague.
  • In a post-Season, non-canon gag reel of Season 182, this totally BS event happened.
  • In a gag reel of Season 183, Frank Tenpenny makes a very detailed hypothesis that Emperor Palpatine might be a Sith Lord. While he's goddamn right, the amusing factor is the fact that Frank should have known already.
  • In the canon Season 183, Tomura Shigaraki and Emperor Zurg had a child together and presented it to the other tributes, The Lion King style. Even though he knew that Tomura and Zurg already had a child together, Handsome Jack found a completely unrelated abandoned baby and named it after Zurg. Way to make things confusing, Jack!
    • Also in the canon Season 183, Regula van Hydrus forces Queen Chrysalis and Maleficent to dance. Not only is that extremely out of character for Regula, Chrysalis won!
  • In one of the non-canon saves for Season 185, Brant Steele shoved the Hunger Games Simulator into a locker, only for Frieza, of all people, to come to the latter's rescue.
  • In a non-canon save for Season 186, as yet another case of Death by Irony, Katsuki Bakugou dies in an explosion set off by Quality Dedede. What makes this funny is that Bakugou's Quirk happens to involve setting off explosions himself.
  • Many of the things Chiaki Nanami does in Season 188 are hilariously fitting, given her canonical status as the Ultimate Gamer. She declares herself the Final Boss of that season, and later plays Mario Party with other tributes. Even her fate, where she is deleted from the game by George Harrison and Ringo Starr, is ironic not only due to her talent, but also because the incarnation of her that was nominated in the Season is actually an AI designed specifically for a virtual reality program!
  • In another case of Death by Irony, Daybreaker, a wielder of The Power of the Sun, got destroyed by the light within the Door to Darkness in Season 189. Then, in a post-Season, non-canon gag reel, she manages to use Xemnas' Kingdom Hearts to gain more power.
  • In Season 191, we have Great Grandma teaching Delibird how to speak her native language. Considering two big problems here, it probably did not go well. Later on, Delibird applies what he has learned by quoting Airplane! to Freeze Man.
  • In the gag save of Season 193, the Operator and dave_the_assassin (who suggested the event in the first place) re-enact the events of Finding Nemo, as Dory and Nemo respectively. In the canon Season, the Operator has another re-enactment, this time as the titular tritagonist, replacing Dave, who was killed in the Bloodbath. In the words of Zanreo: "Now I'm just imagining Finding Nemo with Zero Wing's grammar."
    • Even more ironic is that in the same re-enactment, Jangles replaces the Operator as Dory. In short, a Monster Clown, of all tributes, plays a Cloudcuckoolander.
  • In a pre-Season gag reel of Season 198, Herbert West, who has resurrected a dead cat which went ballistic as a result, is killed by a murder kitten.
  • In Season 203, Draco Centauros uses the Quick Quotes Quill to interview Lily Potter about how the latter destroyed the Arena Forcefield. Considering exactly what that quill does, Lily should've known better.
    • Also in Season 203, time itself somehow manages to land a date (no pun intended) with Lise.
  • In Season 208, Asgore Dreemurr curses at Todbot 1 for nominating him, becoming self-aware of his Butt-Monkey status due to his miserable failures in the past. He then ends up proving himself wrong by getting 3rd Place at the end of the season.
  • In Season 210, Hound tells Tree Hugger that he's a robot. As if his status as a Transformer wasn't obvious enough.
  • In Season 211, the Camping Episode tribute's camp gets toilet papered.
  • Many of the insulting nicknames given to the tributes in Season 213 are good for a chuckle, at the very least.
  • In Season 214, Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot received invitations for DEATH BATTLE!. The thing is.... they already were in Death Battle.
  • In a pre-Season gag save of Season 216, Dwight Schrute accepts a "blood" transfusion from a pile of literal scrap and dies from a blood clot. Any sensible person would know why THAT plan was doomed to fail.
    • In the same gag save: Mr. Bean gives Flowey a bouquet of flowers, who then dies of an allergy attack.
  • In what was the initial canon save of Season 218 (the Season had to be started over with a new save due to accidentally leaving out Infinity Ryujin's tributes), Arokh got mugged for receiving two Super Smash Bros. invitations. The first time, he was mugged by Tsumugi Shirogane and Annie alongside Rarity. The second time, he was mugged by Dave Strider and Goro Majima alongside fellow Drakan tribute Rynn. What makes it funny is the fact that both occured in the same day.
  • In Season 225, Thanos managed to give the Boohbahs the Smolder, which didn't impress them. The mental image of Thanos, of all people, doing that was just too funny for more than a few tropers.
  • In a pre-Season 232 gag save, Mettaton asked Mettaton EX, his upgraded form, to guess his name. He somehow failed to guess his own name and guessed "Indoraptor" instead.
  • In Season 239, a Dubchich accidentally drops a book bag into the ocean. That in itself is hilarious, but what makes it even funnier is that it grieves about it. Seriously.
    • Also in Season 239, we have another out-of-character moment with Bill Cipher killing RN Gesus, who then immediately feels guilty about it.
  • In Season 248's Battle Royale, Baroness von Bon Bon was the FIRST casualty of the Bloodbath, in stark contrast to her previous performances, when Prince Cornelius home-runned her into the Arena Forcefield.


  • In Season 4, Gyro Gearloose died when he choked on a piece of bread, just as Azmuth revealed he had been teleporting bread for the entirety of the season.
  • The Sincline Gang, and pretty much anything Sincline did in Season 6.
    • First, he started his gang as a way to fight Megas' own gang in a turf war.
    • Then he got into an argument with Snout over whether cold or hot pizza is better.
    • Later, we found out that the members were: Getaway, Phoenix Wright, "George Burns" note the same one from OG Season 171, and Hades.
    • And the reason for his Villain Decay seems to be because Zebes, a frickin' planet, of all things, kept him in check.
    • Finally, he sang a song about Krobus being his best friend. It later turns into a Tear Jerker however, when the Heroes, Conquerors, and Nightmares note composed of Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Nightmare Moon, the Storm King, Nightmare Rarity, Shao Kahn, and Megatron (who had been previously saved by Krobus) took it upon themselves to kill Sincline.
  • On Day One of Season 7, Ms. Frizzle somehow managed to get the likes of Varus, Malware, and the God Emperor of Mankind to help her convince Black Beauty not to cut down a rotting log, even dressing up as log gremlins to do so... which was the exact same thing her class did in that field trip.
  • Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu's.... strange rivalry with the Security Robot in Season 8. Highlights include the robot backing him into a corner and t-posing at him along with James Bond, Fuyuhiko trying to fix it some cereal, only for it to catch on fire when he poured the milk in the bowl, and Fuyuhiko getting stung by bees while taking the robot on a bike ride.
  • In Season 13, This Ain't It!Kakashi farted on the arena speakers, and Azmuth, Gibson Girl, and Organization XIII congratulated him by playing a song about farts!
  • In Season 14, all the Smash fighters as of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate note not including Joker, Dragon Quest Hero, and Banjo-Kazooie since they weren't revealed at the time of nomination drank a strange beverage in the Bloodbath, causing them to grow so big they touched the Arena Forcefield and got electrocuted. The mental image of everyone else running away from the falling corpses was just so funny for some of the players.
  • In Season 15, Hajime Hinata was caught making out with a body pillow of all the Crystal Dragons. Then, Char Aznable gleefully hugged every one of them tight, accidentally smothering them while doing so. Since these dragons received positive reception in their game's fanbase upon their reveal, one could say that both Hajime and Char were bonafide scalies.
  • On the first day of Season 17, Louis XIV held a press conference for a boxing match between Kayn and... the entirety of Class 1-A.
  • Season 22 gives us Greg Universe giving Meta Knight of all people the Smolder. The best part is that the latter wasn't impressed. Turns out his "universe charm" either has its limits or just doesn't work on anything but Gems.
  • In Season 24, Broly and War wound up arguing about how to correctly pronounce the word "gif", of all things.
  • Darth Maul's surprising penchant for writing fanfiction, particularly The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. fanfics in Season 27. He penned two fanfics, one of which was a ship fic about the coffee jello, which he read aloud!
    • Speaking of the coffee jello, Maul was also a big fan of it, since after writing said fic about it, he drew it like one of his French girls. In fact, he interacted with it more times than Saiki Kusuo, who canonically likes eating it, did in the season!
  • In Season 28, Marx decides to accept a blood transfusion... From a Coca-Cola can, of all things. Needless to say, he died.
  • The sheer irony of Draco Malfoy, the Trope Namer for Draco in Leather Pants, receiving an in-universe Ron the Death Eater treatment in Season 33.
  • Since the Solar System was nominated in Season 44, Psychedelicate and Troper No. 9001 guessed on Discord that a tribute would cast Supernova on it to obliterate it, and that it would somehow survive. Guess what happened.
  • Gloria's whole appearance in Season 49, due to her depiction with her memetic personality as a Violent Glaswegian. Seeing all of what she said and her reactions to various events are just hilarious. In addition, fellow Pokémon Trainer N also had pretty funny reactions with Gloria, and tried to save the franchise's reputation as family friendly from Gloria's swearing-filled antics to humorous effect, even lampshading early on in the Bloodbath on how it was supposed to be family friendly.
  • In a gag save for Season 50, President Snow thinks of... becoming president.
  • This doubly ironic incident in Season 53's post-season gag save.
  • In Season 54, every event where Carnage tries to interact with animals ends with them gruesomely butchered. He then ends up refusing to take part in any event other than the one he's involved in.
  • In Season 57, Draco Malfoy teams up with the Frying Nemo and Frank Horrigan to pull off a train robbery, only to roast Frank the next day for nearly botching the plan.
    • Later that night, Fredo Corleone makes a plate of fish n' chips for Draco... only to mess it up by including potato chips with the dish, much to Draco's chagrin.
  • GRAND DAD's death... by being pelted with cheese in Season 58. Cheese. Made even better by the fact that his killer was Aemon Targaryen, who yelled, "throw the cheese!" before pelting GRAND DAD.
  • In the pre-season gag saves for Season 59, He smoked weed and then's name (yes, he's named like that) meshed well with a lot of events, resulting in amusing results.
  • In Season 60, Asgore Dreemurr uses a time-controlling remote to pause time and fart on Dingodile. In other words, he became a "legendary fartmaster".
  • In Season 61, Meowskeeter asks Error Sans, a skeleton, if he would like to participate in the Skeleton War after his death. Of course, he accepted.
    • In the same season, Jungkook and the Ultima Twinstars declared that it was "try to survive the Hunger Games time!" during the Bloodbath. Come Day One, however, and the former quickly wound up being offed by Deathstroke.
  • The many hilariously fitting events in Season 64, like the Thanos Car disintegrating a Kapre with the Infinity Gauntlet, or the Coven being unable to read the Necronomicon.
  • This is Fine Dog, Pink Celebi's last-minute meme replacement for Season 62, won both the season and the Battle Royale after that.
  • After Scolippi tried and failed to defeat Hiei by jumping on his head in Season 64, the following evening saw Shay Cormac attempting the exact same tactic. No points for guessing how successful he was.
  • In Season 67, Tai Lung died when he attempted to shapeshift, only for his body to wind up transforming into various cats. Quite an ironic death, since he's a snow leopard.
  • In Season 92, Gargan dies via fatal heart attack. That's not the funny part, that would be the fact that he got one because his favorite website went offline. Even better, this is after his nominator, Mr Person 2006 complained that Gargan wasn't doing anything productive.


  • Bill Cipher being called an "Egyptian nacho" by Valecor in Season 40.
  • In Season 44, the entire Legion of Doom got a bad case of Cabin Fever, and sang a song about it. After it ended, they all agreed to never acknowledge it or bring it up again.
  • In Season 59, when Detective Gamechanger tried to set his song for his sparring match against Scipion, it randomly played Never Gonna Give You Up across his whole base.

    Tabby Girl 4: I got rickrolled in 2019, congrats.

  • Before joining the Legion, Medusa makes a small snarky remark about how the High Commands before she joined are all men. (Or male-coded in Bill Cipher's and Lucemon's case.)
  • Sometime before Season 69, the Legion of Doom realize that Kavaxas was still left in the Voidlands when they collapsed, killing him there. Their sole reaction is to awkwardly acknowledge it while "Temptation Sensation" played in the background.


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